Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Predictions revisted

For what it is worth...what I predicted and what actually happened...and might yet happen.

"In the GOP primary - Phil Bryant by a sizeable double digit margin in the GOP Lt. Gov. primary. Congrats to Charlie Ross for a formidable State Senate tenure. Sad news that he will now have to go. And PB will defeat Dem Jamie Franks in the general, although not without sweating. Maybe profusely."
I was right. And PB will thump Jamie Franks in the general. Phil Bryant will see to that, and Haley Barbour knows that his next four years are relatively worthless without a lieutenant governor that he can see eye to eye with. The Barbour legacy is at stake, and the governor will find plenty of ways to help his Lt. Gov. nominee win.
"What the heck is Haley Barbour doing (see Neshoba speech) personally insulting John Arthur Eaves, Jr., and then continuing to mention him in his address (the former not scripted although the latter was on the page before him)? Is there some poll somewhere that says...
This wasn't a prediction but I brought it up when Haley was on the radio Monday evening. I still think it was a classless moment for the governor and told him so. He said that when Eaves mentioned somewhere that his wife Angel would restore honor and dignity to the mansion that was a slap at his First Lady, and so...gloves off. Haley has lived in the South longer than I, but attacking wives seems beneath one of the best governor's in the state and a supposed southern gentleman even if he views it as "and eye for an eye, an insult for an insult."
"GOP awfully excited about Al Hopkins taking on Jim Hood for AG in the general. Long way to go and a short time to get there for Al. But he has raised the money to get the job started."
Hood wins, I suspect. But look for Hopkins to give him a run. This is the closest thing to a sure thing the Dems get and might be there only statewide elected office come January.
"Stacey Pickering (GOP) in a walk for State Auditor all the way through the general. Great guy in his own right, but names help, too."
Pickering in a landslide this November.
"Tate Reeves. Treasurer. Yawn."
Still, yawn. But a state-wide elected official nonetheless.
"'Englebert' Hosemann for Secretary of State on the GOP side. And if he keeps up a substantive campaign and commercials that visually take him outside of NE Jackson...he will win it all."
Hosemann wins in the general. Watch for a few more good ads written by the same guy in Dallas.
"No feel for Insurance Commissioner on the Dem side. I'll predict Gary Anderson for no good reason than he is supposedly a great guy with solid credentials. And expect Mike Chaney to beat him in the general if he wins because of race (a sad but true statewide election disability). And George Dale would beat Chaney if Dale wins."
I surprised even myself with this prediction. As I said on the election coverage of WAPT/16 George Dale must be the most frustrated man in Mississippi tonight given his Katrina woes, Dickie Scruggs belligerence and Democratic party snubs.

And Chaney wins the general because of the "sad but true statewide election disability" Mr. Anderson has.
"Max Phillips for Ag. Commissioner. And wins the general, too."
I was wrong. Thought I might be. Lester Spell looks to be dodging bullets. Can he defeat Rickey Cole? Yes. The GOP is on a roll.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word on the street is that the Dems have brought in some big shot consultant from Louisiana to run their coordinated campaign.

August 8, 2007 at 1:44 PM  

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