Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Naive or insulting?

"Thanks for the article you wrote in response to Dobson's lament. My immediate reaction was that the complaints about 'who will take over our empires' made me feel like I do when I hear movie stars whining about how hard their lives are. It is suspect when leaders like Dobson openly lament a lack of successors to manage their enterprises. If they've been sowing good seed, giving away their power to others, nurturing deep family and leadership values and effecting redemptive responses in people, such a cry is not needed. It sounds more like he is saying, 'There's no one here who will do things exactly like we did.' Of course there aren't. Thank goodness.

"And his sense that the generations following him won't make the tough calls or sacrifices? That is either naive or insulting to a growing movement of evangelicals who are younger, more socially engaged, more globally proactive, more risk-taking and more connected to the world around them than the boomers that Dobson represents. If he wants to lament current conditions, he need look no further than his own generation of privilege which has over-reached itself in almost all areas of life."




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