Monday, April 30, 2007

Eaves scores in the WashPost


Blogger aedney said...

This subject will get absolutely no traction with this crowd. I hate to be harsh, but some Republicans are delusional. They have convinced themselves that simply being a Republican makes you a better Christian than any Democrat. I think it is absolutely ridiculous for a person of either party to believe that they are a better Christian simply because of party affiliation. I listen to conservative radio daily and there is no question that it is an unspoken, but overtly exuded theme that conservatives believe that Democrats are less holy. Eaves believes as I do and looks at the Democratic Party as being closest to the way that I see Christianity expressed. That being said, I would also support a person that said that the Republican Party represents it for them. I think the discussion should be expanded because a Christian could exist in both parties because both are so flawed. Republicans focus on abortion and homosexuality. Lets attach those to though shall not kill and thou shall not commit adultery. If one is honest, adultery seems to be a much larger problem than homosexuality even though they both are equally wrong. One could argue that policies that allow companies like Enron to thrive totally violate thou shall not steal. My point is that being a Christian involves more than two commandments. Its hard to look at the life of Jesus and how He related to the poor and downtroddened, being called the "Prince of Peace" and accept when individuals of a particular party basically call you evil for being a Democrat.

May 15, 2007 at 11:59 PM  

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