Thursday, December 6, 2007

Romney's speech

It will be persuasive to you?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not at all persuaded by Romney's speech. Everyone should do the research in the Mormon religion and find out what they truly believe. Even the devil believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Seek the Truth!
Romney is a "Saul", Christian brothers and sisters, not a "David".
2 Peter 2:1 ; Matthew 7:15

December 6, 2007 at 4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope. I don't have an issue with the moral standard of the Mormon cult. It's his stance on key issues when running for the senate office that will prevent me from voting for him.

December 6, 2007 at 6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, if you can't say anything that makes sense, than don't say anything at all...

Compare Romney to "Saul"? Get a life...

December 6, 2007 at 7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really sick of people wanting to put on the Bible Coat when they are looking for votes. I'm a Christian, and I'll say this, I would hate to have this country ran by any religion. People talk about the church and state being apart thats so bad... Look through out time, when a man has total power through the name of religion, he becomes a monster. Heck, put a man on the t.v. promoting any religion and he'll sooner or later end up in some mess.
I believe we should vote for good men, but lets not forget that these men, across the party lines, got to where they are by lying and cheating. They might give a quick honor to God, but they are still what they are.
Vote for whoever you want, they are all the same, red or blue, Bible thumping or not.

December 7, 2007 at 11:16 AM  
Blogger aedney said...

Romney being a Mormon surely should not be dismissed. You have to question his decision making if he would align himself with a religion that believes a lot of the stuff they do. Its pretty sad to me that a lot of Christians would just dismiss it as if its nothing. Its kinda like the people who think Jesus was just a good guy. Either He is who he says He is or He is a liar. Mormons believe some off the wall stuff and have been wrong on a lot of things in the past. Folks that say they would rather have Romney than Hilliary Clinton or Barack Obama are putting politics ahead of everything else. If its a religious decision that prompts one not to support a pro-abortion candidate, seems as if that same person would consider cultish religions a disqualifier as well.

December 7, 2007 at 1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One issue I have with the Mormon faith and the Presidency is that Mormon's elevate mere men to god status. I would like to have a President that believes there is a higher authority than himself and that authority is God. Similarly, I would not want a President that thinks that a god in Salt Lake is over him.

December 7, 2007 at 4:57 PM  
Blogger aedney said...

There are really two seperate issues here. One is whether Romney could be a good President. The other is does his religion matter. To the latter, his religion matters to me and what that religion believes matters to me. I do not know why Christians keep dismissing it, but what Mormons believe is not the same as Christianity. It has its good points, but they have some obscure beliefs. To me, it is just an accepted cult. I would question anyone in a cult. People tend to accept any religion that does good things and mentions Jesus. Read up on the Mormom faith and see what it is all about.
That the Mormon Church is the only true restored church of Jesus Christ,
the de-emphasis of the Easter resurrection celebration and the Cross,
belief in Universalism - that the death of Jesus atoned for everyone on earth, giving them the opportunity to become "gods" by following the teachings of the Mormon Church, and that all people will go to one of three levels of heaven,
speaking in tongues and spiritual healing,
the claim that the residing First President, current head of the Mormon Church, is a "living" prophet, who receives ongoing revelation from God, which supercedes God's written revelation to us - His Holy Word,
insistence that the U.S. Constitution is divinely inspired,
belief that the state of women is inferior to that of men,
opposition to birth control,
opposition to interracial marriages,
binding temple oaths and the teaching that breaking them jeopardizes one's hope of eternal life,
the necessity of temple baptism by proxy for dead relatives, after researching their family's geneology for all those born before the 1830 founding of the Mormon Church,
belief in the brotherhood of Jesus and Lucifer,
belief in a three-tiered heaven, and that there is no hell,
separate compartments in heaven for 1) the heathen, 2) non-Mormon Christians, and 3) for those Mormons with Mormon temple sealed marriages, who are future mother and father Gods whose earthly matrimonial unions will endure forever in eternity,
all married Mormon couples, when they achieve Godhood, will, after their death, produce spirit children who, in turn, will be sent back to earth to earn their own personal Godhood, in order to parent spirit chidren,
belief that all men who attain Godhood, from obeying the rules of the Mormon Church, will receive their very own planet, on which to reside with their wife and produce spirit children through out eternity,

December 12, 2007 at 3:47 PM  

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