Thursday, March 27, 2008

Harper for Congress

Gregg Harper vs. Charlie Ross for the Mississippi 3rd Congressional GOP nod.

The winner here easily wins the general, of course. And Ross ought to be the heavy favorite. He is not. Indeed, he will likely lose. For track record, endorsements, and money pale in comparison to what Roger Ailes calls "the magic bullet of politics."

  • Gregg Harper goes into every conversation he is a part of wanting to make the other participant feel good; at the least, show them tremendous respect. He has done this across a lifetime. Buy Charlie a copy of "How to Win Friends and Influence People."

  • Gregg knows how to run a campaign without making other people foaming at the mouth mad. Charlie doesn't.

  • Gregg says that he is a Christian and actually comes off as one when you meet him. More important, comes across as one the longer you know him.

  • Gregg has influenced enough people across a lot of years in grassroots politics to build up tremendous word of mouth on his behalf and great energy from people that volunteer for him. Last race all the word of mouth buzz and excitement seemed to be Harper's direction.

  • Gregg does things for you without asking anything in return. But you want to give something back when you have a chance. Having served people in the political realm like that over several years it is no surprise that folks are personally excited about Gregg's candidacy. Many are highly motivated to get out and vote for him on a day few will be getting out and voting for anyone.
Now, I actually like Charlie Ross. If elected - and frankly, he could be - he would make a great congressman. He would hit the ground running. But if he doesn't, and I don't think at this point he will, these are the reasons why.

Here's voting for Gregg Harper who has substitute hosted The Matt Friedeman Show for years. Fine Christian, socially and economically conservative, personally savvy and with lots of friends that love the Harpers.


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