Here's to the losers...
We had a congressional run-off here in MS yesterday. The winner on the GOP side will win by a landslide in November. Essentially, we have a new congressman to replace the outgoing congressman Chip Pickering.
- I have felt sorry all week for Charlie Ross, last night's vanquished. He is one of the best state legislators in the nation. Period. Smart, savvy, insightful. But I knew this would happen.
- The other guy was more likeable with a better ground game.
- Charlie graduated from Harvard. Served his country as a pilot. Been a man of one wife. Good family. Great lawyer. Incredible track record as a lawmaker.
- He must feel sick.
- I know he feels sick, because it feels like death to want two things as badly this year as Charlie wanted them - lieutenant governor and now congressman - and to be ready for the moment by your awesome history and...lose. Not even close, really. Either time.
- Here's to the guys who prepare, serve, run and lose (and for reasons that feel inexplicable to them). Politics is hard stuff. Thanks for taking it on, Charlie.
- One more thing. No one analyzing the race will say so today, but Charlie lost in some substantial measure to his voting for bringing casinos 800 ft. on-land. He had the foot of the governor firming in the middle of his back, of course, but that position can't win in the dead center of the buckle of the Bible belt - Rankin County and surrounding third congressional district area.
- There were essentially no other positions that Gregg Harper and Charlie Ross disagreed on. It cost Charlie Don Wildmon's endorsement (powerful stuff, as most elections will attest) and mine (not powerful stuff, believe me - although I do have a microphone that reaches fifteen stations across Mississippi and beyond). It cost Charlie the religious right. But sans that vote on casinos, I don't doubt for a minute that Charlie would be congressman-elect this morning.
- Pity.
- Here's to you, friend. One of the most talented politicians and legislators Mississippi ever said "no" to. Time doesn't heal all wounds, but it makes political loss easier. God bless.
Labels: Mississippi politics
I think you give Grand Ayatollah Wildmon too much credit.
He's tops with the radical fundies, but not with anyone else.
No, this was a popularity contest with Harper being the president of the science club and all around nice guy and Ross being the bully jock who picked on everyone.
I don't know either of them, but from the T.V. ads and their interviews that's the way it came across.
The "radical fundies" are some of the most politically active in this state, so I would say that this being a state election, it probably did have an effect. How substantial, we most likely will never know.
Grand Ayatollah. Wow, you are so tolerant. pffft.
I figured Wildman would be to busy sending the Ford Motor Company into bankruptcy with his boycott to lend his attention to Mississippi's 3rd District Congressional Race.
I live in a 3rd District, and had no idea that allowing casinos to move 800 feet was even an issue. If something that petty actually made a difference, thats a shame. I thought Ross was the clear choice based on leadership and experience.
Gregg will be a conservative vote, yes. But that's it. I am astonished that the voters of the District would not help out the National Republican Party by sending a proven leader. I challenge Gregg not only to take on the mantle of social conservative only but also fiscal conservative sense also. It is our Christian duty to live within our means, but unfortunately, our present Congress, Republican and Democrat alike, cannot do it. What message does it send to our children that we want to "bring home the bacon" to our own state but resent others who do it for their own District in other states? It's got to start somewhere, and I hope it will begin with likely-Congressman-Elect Harper.
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