Punished with a baby?
Obama, at his worst. Ben Smith blog.
The ability of politicians like Obama to thread the needle between their own support of abortion rights and their constituents' opposition can be deteminative in Pennsylvania. And Obama, who supports abortion rights, handled the questioner deftly.
"This is a very difficult issue, and I understand sort of the passions on both sides of the issue," he said. "I have two precious daughters — they are miracles."
But politicians must trust women to make the right decisions for themselves, he said.
"This is an example where good people can disagree," the Illinois senator said. "The question then is, are there areas that we can agree to that everybody can get behind? We can all agree that we want to reduce teen pregnancies. We can all agree that we want to make sure that adoption is a viable option."
The exchange appeared to be prompted by Obama's earlier comments that he does not favor abstinence-only education, but rather comprehensive sexual education that includes information on abstinence and birth control.
"Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old," he said. "I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn't make sense to not give them information."
If that one line does not tell you what you need to know about his stance on life, nothing will.
Did you miss the part about him saying that his daughters were young? Did you miss the next sentence that said he would hate them to be punished with an STD? Are you trying to say that it is a good thing for children to be having sex and getting pregnant out of wedlock? You can focus on "punished with a baby", but his point is that he wants his children to do things the right way. Don't we have enough going on in our own lives to be trying to always make other people look like demons?
Words matter. He does not want his daughters punished with a baby or with an STD. Babies and STDs both as punishments. Sounds a lot like equating a disease with a human life. Hmmmm. I wonder what he would want his daughter to do if she were to end up pregnant? You state that we are making others look like demons. I wish you would open your eyes to what Obama stands for and quit looking at his skin color, because I am sure that is of utmost importance to a great number of his supporters.
If this does not tell you what you need to know about his stance on life, nothing will because you are blinded by admiration of a man that deserves NO admiration.
If you think it would be a blessing for a 6 or 9 year or unmarried teen to have a baby, that is your perspective. It is pretty easy for you and others to dissect what someone else says and make them out to the be the "anti-Christ", but should you? The man has two children of his own, so obviously he does not think kids are "punishment". But a child having a kid would definately be an undesired thing. And it would seem that would fit in with your line of thinking if you were not spending so much time trying to demonize. I am not asking you to vote for Obama, but I think for someone that is trying to point out what you think are his sins, you are sinning in the process.
Hi, thanks for posting this
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