Friday, March 9, 2007

And as long as we're getting excited about Gingrich...

...let's be reminded of this.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gotta love how religious leaders are rallying around this conservative adulterer. Talk about hypocrisy.

Junk like this is one reason why I stopped going to church severals years ago.

March 11, 2007 at 3:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A wise man once told me that it's better to go to church with hypocrites, than it is to burn in hell with them.

With that being said, the hypocrisy of Falwell and Dobson is sickening.

March 11, 2007 at 11:29 AM  
Blogger aedney said...

I respect Dobson for doing the interview and asking the tough question. I just think what is lost in all of this is that Newt is just using the religious community when its convenient for him. Anyone that remembers the Clinton ordeal knows that it was much more than about perjury. Newt could have taken the opportunity then to confess. Far too often with people like Newt, Rush, Ann Coulter, it seems like their relationship with the Christian community is just to further their own career. Their business is to convince Republicans that they are somehow more moral than Democrats. Christians need their own party because neither party is representative. For full disclosure I am a registered Democrat. I became interested in politics during the Clinton years. And i rarely heard about forgiveness or people offering to genuinely pray for the President. Now that we have a Republican President, I hear it alot. Also, the stances on the poor, the old, the ill, prisoners, etc. is all screwed up. Christians are suppose to care about those groups. But when you do, you are labeled liberal. Regardless of government involvement, absolutely nothing, is a large enough obstacle to stop the Christian community from being involved in the areas that are required of Christians. I respect people that reject government involvement in things, but I think the concentration should be on encouraging greater involvement of the Christian community. I think there is a lot more to be said about this topic.

March 11, 2007 at 5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post Adedney. Wish more Christians thought like you.

You said; "I just think what is lost in all of this is that Newt is just using the religious community when its convenient for him."

You hit the nail on the head. And yet the Christian community allows this stuff to happen over and over. If they like your politics, you get a free pass on moral issues.

People like James Dobson are the worst of the worst. He stood up for Mark Foley (the Congressman who had thing for male pages). He stood up for Ted Haggard (the anti-gay preacher who liked to have gay sex himself...and did meth). And I have no doubt that Dobson will try to rally support for Newt (who has had multiple affairs...this wasn't his first one).

Yet, because these folks are conservative in their politics, then it sorta gets swept under the rug.

But, let a liberal have a big house...then katy bar the door!

It's plain disgusting and I doubt very seriously that Jesus would approve.

March 11, 2007 at 6:39 PM  
Blogger aedney said...

I think we just spend too much time making excuses for some and trying to condemn others when we are all sinners. Its just a huge disappointment to me because I can see and have heard a lot of non-Christians say they feel uneasy about Christians. Instead of seeing the forgiveness and compassion that you are suppose to see, they see attacks. I hate the idea of political parties claiming to represent Christianity in the first place, but if a party is going to do that, it seems like it would be welcoming sinners. If you notice, the devil's progress is pretty consistent regardless of who is in power. My personal belief is because we try to spend time figuring out who is the better Christian, we all fall short of the mark.

March 12, 2007 at 12:43 PM  
Blogger Cliff Brown said...

Gingrich is right on government action but wrong on personal action. If he has confessed his sins to God he is still a sinner but a forgiven one just like me.

March 13, 2007 at 12:19 PM  
Blogger aedney said...

Cliff, I agree with you and applaud you for that and that is how it should be. But alot of people that say that same thing will hold what Bill Clinton did against him for the rest of his life. I think that once Rudy is examined, he will not be that appealing of a candidate. And if he is going to run on what he did for 9/11, it would only be right to question why he would allow the Command Center to be in the WTC being that it had already been attacked. We saw him as an effect cheerleader and sympathizer for the situation. Thats all we really know. But his personal life is going to dash his chances. I do not see a lot of people being ok with him marrying his 2nd cousin.

March 13, 2007 at 3:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure Cliff, let's turn a blind eye towards Newt just because we may like his politics. Take a look at his history. He has more than one affair. The many is no sorry, he is playing conservative-Christians like a cheap violin. And yall are only to happy to sing for him.

March 14, 2007 at 1:22 PM  

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